Monday, May 31, 2010

So I want to buy a motor cycle

Here are the things I have to do to reach my goal:

1. Take the motor cycle safety course. I don’t HAVE to do this but it will exempt me from taking the test and I get lower cycle insurance.

2. Decide which motor cycle I want to buy. I was originally considering a Honda Shadow but I want a nice cruiser so my husband and I can go on long trips. So I may go with a Goldwing instead, I dunno.

3. Sell some shit so I can buy it. I have enough stuff lying around of value to pay for the bike, my class, and all the accessories that go with it. I need to get my crap on craigslist and get it sold.

4. Buy helments and all the gear. Although Arizona doesn’t require a helmet, I’m smarter than that. I want to keep my noggin’ safe.

Then and only then I will have my motorcyle.

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